Clothing apparel shopping guide how to make sales skills sales doubled -尹崇珍

in the clothing sales process, shopping guide to enhance their sales and service skills, the most effective way to find out about the guests psychology, figured out guests psychology, is more effective, just hold up a bid. Guests unpredictable psychological, that is half done, pull the ox tail, guests death do not go with you. Chinese clothing business network that research sales, improve store sales, the salesperson has unparalleled role in whether the salesperson can grasp the clothing sales skills are important, we must first note recommend buying tips.
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salesperson addition to clothing display to the customer, and explain, we should also recommend to their customers clothing to arouse the customer's purchase of interest.
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Recommended clothing may use the following methods:
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clothing sales skills a recommended time to have confidence, recommend to their customers clothing, the salesperson should have confidence in itself, in order to allow customers to have a sense of trust on the clothing.


clothing sales techniques 2, suitable for the customer's recommendation. Tips merchandise to customers and will be explained, should be based on the customer's actual objective conditions, recommend suitable clothing.


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clothing sales skills 3, with gestures recommend to their customers.
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clothing sales skills 4, with the characteristics of the product. Each type of clothing has different characteristics, such as function, design,Clothing apparel shopping guide how to make sales skills sales doubled , quality and other aspects of the feature, recommend to their customers clothing, clothing to emphasize different features.


clothing sales skills 5, the conversation focused on the goods. Recommended clothing to customers, to find ways to lead the conversation to the clothing, taking care to observe the clothing reflects customer order in a timely manner to promote sales.
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clothing sales skills 6, precisely the advantage of all types of clothing. To the customer instructions and recommendations for clothing, to compare different types of clothing, precisely the advantage of all types of clothing.


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addition to those described above, the outer clothing sales tips, and secondly to pay attention to key sales skills. Key sales means should be targeted. For fashion design, functionality, quality, price and other factors, to the people and should really make the customer's psychology from the "Compare" to a "belief", the ultimate sales success. In a very short period of time allows customers have purchased belief is to sell a very important aspect.
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key sales with the following principles:


principles of a clothing sales techniques, from 4W proceed on. From time wearing When, wearing occasions Where, wearing objects Who, wearing a purpose in doing Why buy staff, is conducive to sales success.


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clothing sales skills of Principle 2,coach2013夢幻新款目錄, the focus should be brief. Description clothing characteristics to the customer, to be concise and clear language, content, and understandable. The most important features of apparel goods should be the first to say, if the time to drill down.
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clothing sales skills of Principle 3, the specific performance. According to the customer's situation, adaptable, non-stereotyped, only said: "This dress is good," "This dress your best" and so too simple and general marketing language. Vary according to sales targets manner of speaking. To be introduced to different customers with different content, so that the people and should.
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clothing sales skills of Principle 4, the salesperson popular dynamic grasp, understand the vanguard of fashion, would like to meet customer instructions clothing popular trend. Well, empty talk a lot truths, the next Chinese clothing business network will consume some of the guests here typical psychological analysis, everyone can have complementary discussing here, so our quest for Terminal Services good.


one, guests can buy six psychological stages
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To work out a reception guests, providing quality standard processes and techniques, it is necessary to understand the customers to buy our clothes psychological processes. We targeted at different stages to provide services.


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1, observe browse
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two kinds of customers:
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destination type Guests
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into the store quickly, go straight, straight to obtain their own clothes;
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purpose to buy a commodity, but what specifically selected color, style of clothes, not very clear


idle type guests


no clear purpose for the onslaught of interest will buy clothes
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stroll for the purpose of killing time, enjoy strolling mall colored clothing


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2, attention
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guests find themselves looking for clothing, or a certain clothing styles, colors, etc. to attract the guests.
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3, induce Lenovo
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think this dress to wear on his body feeling, immediately generate excitement. "Tomorrow I wear this dress to the company, my colleagues will surely be much appreciated, great, I can not not try it!" Guests will immediate contact clothing and their life together is very important. Decide whether she would further action. In a section on our clothes are interested in, we give her display, touch, etc. are the best led her to think of a better, more means!


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4, have the desire


happy associations before we can produce a desire to share. The opposite is also frequent. We can successfully encourage her to try, is the best means to stimulate her desire to share.
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5, comparative evaluation


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produced a desire to share and not immediately buy the products. Guests will use the experience and knowledge of different brands of similar clothing to compare the individual's needs and clothing styles, colors, quality, price, etc. for reflection and analysis. Reflection and analysis are not necessarily rational, but also irrational.
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this stage of our clothing sales skills to deal with something on her clothes out of the problems and doubts about the opposition,coach2013夢幻新款目錄.
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6, decided to buy


comparative evaluation, guests clothes on our confidence in a section, then it will have to buy action;
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will lose confidence in the willingness to abandon the purchase.
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 Guests have confidence

There are three reasons:
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A, believes shopping guide introduction


B, I believe the mall or brand


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C, I believe the clothes themselves styles, colors, etc.
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customers lose confidence reasons:


A, not what she really wanted clothes
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B, shopping guide unaware goods knowledge
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C, for quality, aftermarket feel no guarantee
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D, with the purchase of scheduling conflicts
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guests go on a subsection clothing confidence, our clothing sales skills are required shopping guide guests without overdoing it, immediately transfer to other interested guests dress up, and strive to retain and continue to recommend it. Clothing sales to those described above tips Chinese clothing business network is just a small part of the sum, in fact, there are more clothing sales skills need to be engaged in this cause you to to discover, to summarize.
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